what does “BOOM” stand for?

“Biblical Organization Of Ministers”.

who is eligible to join?

no formal membership is required. BOOM is simply a group of friends committed to encouraging one another in life and ministry.

what kind of people belong to the BOOM network?

it’s made up of people ready to invest in friendships with like-minded ministry leaders from various streams: non-denominational, word of faith, baptist, charismatic, etc. the BOOM network is comprised of leaders looking for a “tribe” who love Jesus, are passionate about building the church and like to have fun!

what if I already belong to a ministry network?

no sweat! the BOOM network is not an exclusive group. you can still take advantage of this ministry-friendship network while staying connected to any pre-existing relationships.

no, the BOOM network’s primary goal is to foster authentic peer-to-peer ministry relationships, host fun events and to empower those in ministry.

can I be licensed through the network?

for more information, contact Richard Pilger, BOOM Network Director, at richardpilger@theboomnetwork.org